Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Rainy Day

We recently had a Family Home Evening lesson in which we reviewed and reenacted the Samuel the Lamanite story, except Samuel stood on the ottoman and after he preached we all lobbed marshmallow arrows at him. Of course the treat afterwards was the arrows. We all took turns being Samuel, and Micah took the artistic license when it was his turn of throwing the arrows back at the wicked Nephites (his family). Micah is still potty-training, as evidenced by the mismatched pants. The trampoline works well for rocking Sarah to sleep.

Best pals. Obviously not in their own beds.
Ashley's mom got me a breadmaker for my birthday. I've never thought of carbs as being my vice, but that could change (see pumpkin bread below). Can I still call it homemade if I only push four buttons? Thanks so much Terry, we all love it.
Ah, the hazards of being the third child. I'm pretty sure infants aren't supposed to have strawberries, and I'm positive they're not supposed to have Ring Pops. Also, why is the stroller in the living room and everyone half-dressed? It's okay, we've all had those days, right? :) Sometimes they're my favorites.


Jamie said...

What a great post. I LOVE the Samuel the Lamanite idea. I'm going to steal it for sure. So cute! Thanks for posting it.

Jamie said...

This is Taylor and this is for a Eliza boo-boo. I love you and I hope you feel better. Our new school site words are no and go.

Adri said...

I love those days where everyone is relaxed and no schedule to follow. The kids feeding Sarah a ring pop is so cute. Those are some great pictures. I love the one on the trampoline, so cute.

Natalie N said...

Great pictures! So many fun memories! I love the ring pop pic. :) And happy 8 years! Is your anniversary really cinco de mayo?! Very appropriate for the buchanancasa!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

That bread looks yummy hope we all reap the bennefits. The the marshmello idea!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

Such cute kiddies! And like Jamie, I love the Samuel the Lamanite idea too! I need to start writing these down so I don't forget! And I'm so jealous of the bread that how you made my yummy banana bread? I need to get me one of those!! Thanks again for the bread, it was delicious!

familia Bybaran said...

You are such a great mom, Audrey. I keep meaning to call you and ask you some advice about Cyra, but it's been so hard to find the time when I can actually talk. I got that book that you mentioned (power of positive parenting). I haven't started it yet. Also, we are coming to UT at the end of June. Hopefully, we can see you guys then.

Natalie N said...

Hey you! Thanks for the Disneyland tips. After all the hype I've been making over DL, W is saying she doesn't want to go anymore... hmmm... I think she's playing me. Anyway, thanks for the trip tips; hopefully we'll be going soon.

Dani said...

Your pics are great! Thanks for the peek into your life! It is so fun to see the kids growing up! :)

oh, Michi mentioned you guys were headed up their direction in July...when are you going? We'll be up there in July too! How great if we could all meet up somehow!