Sunday, May 4, 2008

Eight Years! 5/5/2000

Eight years ago today, Ashley and I were sealed in the Portland Oregon temple. Here we are back in the summer of '97, before his mission. Portland is the most gorgeous temple ever, with lots of marble, dark wood, and an atrium inside (for photos, since it rains all the time there). Short Sands beach, Arch Cape, OR, summer '97.

Laguna Beach, CA, March 2008!

There are a million reasons I love Ashley. He knows them; I tell him and he rolls his eyes. Among them:
He still does "the Worm" dance across the living room and the kids crack up.
I get to hear him babble about construction in his sleep.
One minute he's reading a book by Hugh Nibley and the next he's singing High School Musical songs with the kids and sincerely enjoying himself.
He still loves to go on hiking trips with his Dad: the Grand Canyon, etc.
His birthday is Colombian independence day, and the same as my big brother's, who I adore.
He makes me chocolate covered strawberries on my birthday.
Every paper surface in our house is covered with a drawing he has done of some building he's working up in his head.
He wrestles with the kids and reads to them every day. He makes them feel like a million bucks.
These are only a few. But believe you me, he's terrific! I am so blessed to have him as my spouse and as an example for our kids. Jacobsen Construction held a leadership conference at the Grand America hotel here in Salt Lake Friday and Saturday so it was perfect timing for us to have a fun night out after the conference (Sarah came along too). Uncle Kevin came down and stayed overnight with Elle and Micah, what a great guy. Yes ladies, he is available. Happy anniversary Ash! You're the best.


Adri said...

Congratulations to both of you. You guys are such a great couple. We just love your whole family. I hope you have many more wonderful years together.

Aaron said...

I totally dig the haircut from '97. It's been forever since I've seen that. Maybe it's time to bring it back. love aaron

Aaron said...

And I mean Ashley's haircut

Jamie said...

So sweet!! I didn't know you guys where married in the Portland Temple. Happy Anniversary to you both.

Dani said...

I can't believe it's been 8 years! Doesn't it seem like we were all just hanging out in the guys basement apartment??? :) Ah, the good ol' days!
Happy Anniversary!!! We love you guys!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

That is so awesome, I love to look at old pictures. We are coming close to our 8 year too. Time flys when your having fun. Congratulations!

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the old picture! You guys look so young...I mean...younger. :-) I didn't know Ash could do the worm, he'll have to show us. And we would also love to see him sing High School Musical! Congrats guys! BTW Thanks for the movie Audrey, it was lots of fun. I felt like I was in high school again. :-)

rusted sun said...

This is Alisa, you left a message on my blog asking about Guatemala. I would jump at an opportunity to live in Quetaltenango (also known as Xela) for a couple of years. It is a great middle-sized city, much smaller than Guatemala city and also much safer. It is considered the indigenous capital of Guatemala and is in a beautiful location. There is even a temple being built there sometime in the near future. What would you be doing there? I'd love to talk with you more about it and answer any questions that you might have. Feel free to email me directly at
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jared said...

Ahh, 1997.

What about Kevin + Hediyeh?

familia Bybaran said...

Congratulations. Nice post. Ashley is great and so are you. You two are a wonderful couple. I am not surprised at all that you have made it this long and expect you will have lots more wonderful years to come.

Moleff Family! said...

You were married in Portland Temple?? How cool, so were Aaron and I. We lived here but the short time I lived in Oregon I always said I would go back and be married in that temple, and so we did, I love it! It is beautiful!! Congrats on 8 years!

brynn said...

Love the pics! Hope you had a great anniversary!

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

Wow! 8 years- way to go you guys! I love the pics of old and then new! That is always fun to go back and look at. Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day coming up Audrey!!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

Wow..8 years?!! Congratulations! I loved seeing the old pictures of you two...very fun! You guys are so cute! And that is so cool that you were married in the Portland is one of my favorites! So beautiful! I was actually baptized for my great grandma there, so I have a special memory there too! :)

colin and brooke thompson said...

8 yrs has done good things to you! What a great couple you are! Hope you had a great celebration!!!