Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Summer of Science

I am alternately thrilled and anxious about Eliza starting school. She loves to learn and meet new people and I'm sure she'll thrive. But as we were watching the little orientation video and I saw kids walking down the school hallway, all I could think was, "There are no adults with those children. Where are the adults? There could be some creep posing as a parent or teacher or janitor or anything!"
My other fear (probably more realistic) is that overnight, Eliza will become a kindergarten teenager and want to spend more time with her friends than with us, her family. I'm afraid she'll grow bored with family hikes and the "Spa Nights" she and I do together. She's growing up so fast. This morning I was telling her how pretty her hair is and she said, "Mom, brown is the color of poop and tree bark." Hilarious! But more seriously, she bore her testimony for the first time in sacrament meeting two weeks ago. It was her idea and she went up on her own and said the things she wanted to. I was so proud of her.
Anyway, to ensure she doesn't forget us after she starts elementary school, I'm determined to pack the summer with lots of memory-making and fun times together: trips, camping, and I want to do a weekly science project with the kids. They think this is great. So far we've done sugar crystals and bean sprouts (see below). I'm counting our garden as one, and I want to do the butterfly one too. But after that, I've got nothin'. I need to look around online, but if you know any easy, fun science experiments, send them to me!
The results of Spa Night.
We went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to picnic at Silver Lake with some friends, and there was so much snow we couldn't even see the lake, let alone walk around it. But we did find another beautiful spot with a waterfall. If you click on this one, you can see Micah has been playing in some campfire ashes. It was a beautiful day! I love spring. Also, Eliza has been wanting to wear Sarah's baby hair bows lately. It cracks me up.


Adri said...

That sounds like a great plan for the summer. It is sad to see the first child go to school. She will be just fine and she will still want to spend time with the family.

Ella said...

Ah! That makes me sad. I feel totally helpless that I cannot slow down the time! I feel like Jane is growing up so fast! I'm sure you can't believe it's time for kindergarten already! Hey, do you remember telling us (us as in your doting students) that you thought 3 years would be the perfect spacing a la Elder Holland's family? Well, I know that some surprises came your way and I was just wondering if you could give me your two cents now that you are so experienced and learned. My email is if you'd rather. Thanks!

Natalie N said...

Awww... I see Eliza's social-ness (is that even a word?) as such a blessing. Whitney is very very very shy. I'm almost on the opposite side of the spectrum thinking Hmmm...what if Whitney doesn't ever want to leave mommy's side and make a new friend? Oh well. I hear ya though. Kindergarten is a huge step! Have fun making this summer the BEST one ever. Eliza is surely never going to forget you once she heads off to school. ;)

Jamie said...

You guys are so great, always up to something fun. Is that picture of the kids in the canyon up by Silver lake?? I noticed Eliza is wearing her coat! And I love the science stuff ideas, you'll have to share those with me. I'm sure Taylor and Chasey would love them. Oh, and you'll have to make sure you save some days for hitting the pool and just having lazy days. Sometimes those days are my absolute favorite.

Kelly said...

How fun! You are such a good mom! I have the same fears about school as you do. I also have fears of kiddnapping, and maybe one of the kids giving Ryan peanut butter. We still want to go on that hike with you guys...sometime. Summer time gets so busy. We should go to the park with all the kids and have a picnic. I love your toes by the way. It makes me want a daughter.

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

Where does the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday when we would sit around our dinky little pool and sing to the girls the ducky song! The school thing is freaking me out a little, but I am also excited for her. Do popcorn in the sun for another project! in fact I should do that. Have fun with it. :)

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

Ahhh- I forgot that kids grow up! I cannot even imagine sending little Kyler to school yet. I will call you crying when it is time so you can help me cope!! In the mean time- I am going to copy and send you these great fun easy activities I used with my kiddos in school when I taught! My 4th graders loved them, but they are super easy for your kids too! Look in the mail and I will try to get them out to you soon!!

brynn said...

Ah the joys. I can't imagine Magdalena ever going to school! But it seems like only yesterday that Eliza was a newborn....

Doing science projects is such a fun idea! Making a volcano by combining vinegar and baking soda is always fun. Another is mixing cornstarch and water and observing the properties if you hit it really fast as opposed to slowly putting your fingers in.

Aaron said...

On Malia's first day Eli and I walked home from school sobbing. Not a pretty sight. I couldn't even console my 3 year old because I felt so sad about it all. It is fun, however, to see their joy at their new-found independence. Priceless.

Melissa & DJ said...

I love your experiments. After our last visit I think we will be trying a few fo these. What fun!!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

Wow! Kindergarten? I would definately be having mixed emotions too! There is no way she will forget you are such a good and cute little mommy! And I love all your ideas...I'm so glad that you have older kiddies so that I can steal them and use them with my boys someday! Keep up the good work! :)