I have an angel. His name is Ben. Ben is my nephew (long story, I'm not that old). Ben was here in June for his brother's wedding (my other nephew). He thought he'd like to give Salt Lake a try. He stayed a few weeks, and because we are so cool, he wants to stay for the school year. Woohoo!
Ben plays with my kids while I make dinner. He does a mean triple-piggy back ride. He asks to be excused from the table. He tells me dinner was delicious. He asks if Ash and I want to go on a date and he'll watch the kids (I feel like I won the lottery when he says this). Ben has dance parties with the kids when he babysits. He must be one of the 3 Nephites, I tell him this every day. Ben's presence makes me feel safe while my sweet husband sleeps in Logan every weeknight for the next 1.5 years for his job. Ben is extra patient, even when crazy Micah pees on his exercise equipment (sorry Micah, but you did). Ben just shrugged. Ben goes camping with us, hiking with us, and to Baskin Robbins with us. He is smart and witty and handsome. Young ladies, your countdown until Ben turns 16: 366 days. (See Jamie? I posted.) :) To my neighbors: he would love to make some cash mowing your lawn or walking your dog.
We like him too. I am so glad you have that help. I know how hard it is to be with out your husband. He is such a blessing for you guys. Thanks Ben for taking such good care of our Audrey!
He's a keeper! Glad he is there and I don't blame him for staying you always make everyone feel so welcome. Thanks for the update!! Keep them coming! :)
I think Ben is amazing and wish I could get a nephew like him! He sounds like an angel here for your whole family... you are sooo lucky! I am so glad he decided to stay here for school.
What a little stud! Sounds like he really is blessing your family. And wow--Ash's schedule?! Keep plugging along, girl! xoxo
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