Things to remember about Sarah from this age: she is so generous and nurturing. When I say it's time to go somewhere, she will bring me my shoes before she gets hers. I have never asked her to do this. And if we're sitting together on the couch, she makes sure to spread her blanket over my lap as well as her own. She is really quick to say sorry, even if she just accidentally nudges someone, even the dog. She is such a girly girl, always looking in my bathroom drawers for lotion or makeup (of which I have about 5 items, so she's never impressed). I never experienced that with Eliza. And she's very organized--bedtime has to be done a certain way and her stuffed animals have to be in certain places in the crib and she will let me know if the blanket is lying in the right way or not. She is a really happy and content child. I always have to check on her when I think she's due to wake up from a nap, because she never calls out to me, just hangs out playing in her crib. If one of her siblings is upset, she tries to comfort them in her own little way, like by saying, "next time." I'm sure I'll think of more things and add them later, but Sarah is just a joy--she loves to laugh and dance and generally be along for the ride with her older siblings. We love her to death.

Sarah had her head down and was really shy about all the singing, until Micah came over to sit by her and help with the candles.

Talan kept grabbing Sarah for some more glamour shots on the porch after the party; he was very insistent and Sarah was happy to pose as well. What cute little hams.

Happy Birthday cute Sarah! We just love you and the rest of your family too!
She is so sweet. Happy Birthday Sarah! I can't believe she's two already.
Ahhh! She's 2 already?! Sarah sounds like such a sweetheart. And what a great idea for the little pancake party. You're a brave mom - to have a party for 2 year olds! :)
Happy birthday Sarah! I'm glad the pancake party worked out for you! She is such a sweetie! Did you get our package by chance??
Happy birthday little Sarah. I can't believe she is two. Where does the time go. Cute pictures!
2 already! Ahh where does the time go, she was so cute Kolt had a great time! Thanks again
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