The lows: having a big piece of steel get kicked up by a truck and fly at our windshield on the Bangerter Hwy. It was thin and rectangular, about 15 lbs, and fortunately one end of it hit the top of the 4Runner so it ricocheted off. Ash had his sunglasses on (he had Tyler and the kids in the car w/ him), so he had tiny cuts and little bits of glass everywhere else, but not around his eyes. It looks like it snowed inside our car. The close-up of this shot is gnarly. We definitely felt watched over, and we're grateful for that. Life is so precious!
1 week ago
Oh my gosh! When did that happen? Did you catch the guy that threw it up at you? Probably not...did they even know? I'm so glad you guys are okay. I bet it scared them SO bad. How are the kids doing after that? It's a good thing Ash had sunglasses on. Wow. On a happy note, I'm glad your family came out. And you were able to spend time with them. Let me know when you want to hang out next week.
WOW!! thank goodness for his sunglasses & someone watching over your family. That is crazy. Is everyone okay?
Holy crap Audrey... that is nuts. I am so glad that everyone is okay. That is one of the craziest things I have heard.
Holy cow. That is scary. I'm so glad you are all ok!.
The woman driving the truck actually did stop--it was so loud when her truck ran it over that she thought she had popped a tire. She was really really nice. Ash said the kids were fine; it didn't really phase them and although their clothes were covered in glass bits, they didn't have cuts. The cop was taking all these photos on his personal camera and he asked us if we paid our tithing last Sunday. We did! :) Blessings blessings blessings.
What a blessing! I can't believe the size of that it. So glad everyone's ok. SCARY!!
And also, count us in for that hike. I think the kids would absolutely love it!!
wow! That is gynormous! I am soo glad everyone walked away ok! THing like things are so scary but yet help us realize we are being watched over!
I am so glad you guys are safe and everyone is okay! What a scary moment and makes you look at life and how precious it really is! We will see you guys sooner than later! Glad you had fun with the family and you will have to take us to some fun palces when we get there!
Wow! That's crazy! So scary. Good thing everyone's OK.
So scarey! Thank goodness you guys are all okay!
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