Monday, March 2, 2009


Sarah is now potty-trained (not just #2, like she used to do). But see the video for her feelings a few days ago (she does start to laugh at the end). A HUGE thank you to my friend Natalie for introducing me to "Potty Training in Less than a Day." I had heard of it before, but never picked it up because of its weird title. Still, it's a great program overall (there are always a few things you don't like, as with anything) and I feel sorry for Elle and Micah that I didn't have it when they were learning.


Amy said...

Is that the program that Dr. Phil promoted? I'll have to check it out. I have a two year old that I've been thinking about potty training, but right now she does about the same as Sarah's little video.

Kelly said...

What? I haven't even thought of potty training Ethan yet. Holy moly you're on the ball! Way to go Sarah!

Kassie said...

nice work! How old is she anyway?? I did potty train in a day for Elyse and it was magical! With Levi he has been pottying since 4 months but won't tell me or go himself if he has a diaper on...we've still got some work to do which is why he's naked all the time ;) I hate changing diapers!!

Adri said...

Way to go Sarah!

Natalie N said...

What a cute little face! YAY for going through with the potty training! You have to post how old she is... Didn't she just start nursery? WAY TO GO!! Glad the book worked for you!

familia Bybaran said...
