Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Only Fair...

Fifteen month old Sarah likes to poo on the potty. I feel this is only fair, since my Liza was three before she ever wore underwear. Here is Sarah yesterday with a tootsie roll as a reward for her work. Notice her cute toes.

Waving goodbye to the poo. Thank you, thank you Sarah, for keeping my dreams of early potty training alive.


onlybegottenson said...

Sara is either going to be an amazingly well adjusted young lady or she is going to really not like you for posting pictures of her taking a dump.

onlybegottenson said...

And you're teaching her to eat while dumping? Is she the kid you just experiment on?

The Scooby Family said...

That is awesome that Sara is doing that. Now Can I wish Dallyn will be early!

Sandy said...

WOW... that is amazing! I am impressed! Maybe It's a third child thing.. I'll cross my fingers!

Jamie said...

Oh, that's so cute! I love the pic of her waving. Lots going with the potty at your house. :) What a smartie.

Adri said...

Hehehe... I read the first two comments and I am laughing. I have to agree, should she eat while on the pot?!?
Way to go Sara!

Matt and Liz said...

YAY!!!! How amazing. Can Sara train Hallie for me?!

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

WOW!! That is amazing! I am completely dreading the potty training thing but anxiously waiting for it to be over with too so no more diapers:) It must be nice to have the bigger siblings to look up to and show her how to do things the right way! Couple more days and we get to see you guys! Can't wait! Have a safe trip:)

Dani said...

That is so great! Just one more reason that we need to live closer to you guys...she would be such a good influence on Ethan! :)

Natalie N said...

Sarah, you are the WOMAN! Way to go!! I had no idea about Eliza - you definitely deserve a potty trained 15 month old! :)