Thursday, November 20, 2008

Micah's Preschool

Micah's birthday is 6 days from the state deadline and would make him very young in his kindergarten class. Kids have such a short time to be young and unfettered, so we're considering keeping him home another year so he can be as prepared as possible. All the mothers I've talked to who have done this have been glad they did. Because we're not sure, I have him in neighborhood preschool groups with his older buds (Tuesday morning) and younger buds (Thursday morning). He loves preschool, he feels so grown up and loves rotating around to the different houses. I do it with a bunch of awesome, fun-loving moms and it gives us all a break on the weeks we're not in charge. Here they are playing duck duck goose this morning (5 of the 7 younger buds, plus Eliza and her friend Joanne). Half of them ran off down the hall whenever anyone said "goose."
You can't see it, but Micah is holding H's hand during Storytime. He seems to have a little crush on her. More mayhem with handprint-painted turkeys. This is how I found my sweet boy sleeping last night. Our field trip to the fire station. Micah was nervous about climbing through the ambulance. Micah's older buds.
Micah really thinks about things. He asked me the other day if chicken eggs get poop on them when they are laid. Whaaaaaa? What would make him think of that? I love you, buddy!


Jamie said...

So fun! What a great (and cute) bunch of kids we all have! Chase had such a good time today. He LOVES going to preschool too. So glad we are all doing it.

Adri Ballingham said...

Cute pictures. I wanted to tell you I talked to Evie's teacher about the same thing for Lydia and what her advice was. She said if it's a boy she would with out a doubt. She says girls are a little different you just have to wait and see when it gets closer.

Ashlee Swensen said...

It is so hard to decide I am wondering what to do with Jake. Its hard to make these decisions that will effect really their whole little life. I don't know what to tell ytou but you will know what is best for the little guy.

Melissa & DJ said...

I loved when McKenzie did preschool in the neighborhood and in the actual school. This is a fun time for you guys!!

Natalie N said...

Oh my goodness! Sleeping on the bed like that is my FAVORITE! Too cute :)

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

I want to go to your school! It looks so fun. Micci is 17 now! So crazy how time gets away from us.