His surgery was October 1st. Here he is in Pre-Op. Micah is a brave kid; he doesn't cry with shots or that kind of thing. When it was time to send him with the anesthesiologist, he gave me a hug and kiss and happily hopped in the wagon for the trip down the hall. It was definitely rougher on me than on him.
So many of Micah's sweet friends called and dropped by with popsicles, cards, books, movies, anything to keep him busy but resting on the couch. Well, a few days later he developed a little cough and the ENT office just recommended we keep him hydrated and resting to minimize his coughing, which we did.
His first surgery had been on a Friday, and eight days later, Saturday night, he came into Ash and my bedroom about 10:45 pm with a weird gurgly cough. I took him into our bathroom and he began throwing up fresh blood and lots of blood clots. It was definitely the scariest moment of my life. I called my sweet friend Lynette who dropped everything and came over to stay with the kids until Ben got home from a dance, and she took Luke for the rest of the night. We are blessed to live five minutes away from a hospital, so we hopped in the van, hazard lights flashing, and raced over to the ER. Lynette's husband Coby came over to help Ash give Micah a blessing, and Micah ended up back in surgery for three bleeds in the back of his throat, one of which the ENT said was a real pumper. Micah was a real trooper through the whole thing. Like I said, he is pretty tough and gave Ash a good kick when we tried to help him sit still to get his IV line placed. After it was all said and done, he faced another week on the couch and dropped some weight from all the inactivity and living off of popsicles!
Although the whole thing was really scary and my heart still races involuntarily whenever Micah coughs, I look back on it with gratitude for priesthood blessings and the unmistakable power they bring, and for dear friends and neighbors who showed their love in so many ways in our time of need and recovery. Micah is now back to his wild and crazy self, and getting much better sleep at night, and we wouldn't have it any other way; we love our Micah.
HOW SCARY!! That coughing up blood story was way too freaky. So grateful you have friends close by to help you at the drop of a hat!
Happy to hear that Micah is doing well now. Hope you're all doing well!
So Scary indeed! Even though I wasn't there for it, I felt like I was reliving the whole thing reading this. Does that even make sense?? Anyway, so grateful too for all of the things you listed above. Well said Audrey. I canNOT believe the size of his tonsils that's insane that those are his. They are HUGE! Micah is one tough kid. Gotta love that boy! We sure do. xo
Oh poor Micah! I'm so glad he's all better now. What a cutie!
Wow!! Micah- those were some HUGE tonsils you had buddy! Way to go being so tough! It gives Kyler and Camden someone so great like you as their cousin to look up to!
What a story Audrey- I remember you telling me about it but reading it definitely made it seem so real again! love you guys! It was so great to catch up on the phone recently- miss yall!
Wow that is so scary. It's so hard watching your kids go through things like this. I'm so glad that he's okay and doing better.
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