I think those times when people are entering this world and leaving this world are most sacred. Luke's birth was no exception. I've had my kids in several different environments, for different reasons: Liza at home, Micah in a free-standing birth center, Sarah at the hospital, and Luke at home again. Needless to say, if you don't enjoy birth stories, this probably isn't the post for you. :)
My fantastic midwife, Melissa Mayo, visited me the evening of Valentine's Day, and I was feeling a little discouraged, being five days overdue already (who really knows, exactly). Well, she had some tricks up her sleeve, and sure enough, I woke up around 12:30am, Feb. 15, in labor (give or take, I didn't have my contacts in to read the clock). I slept in between contractions until they were too strong, 12:58. I put in my contacts, puttered around and ate a couple leftover chocolate covered strawberries. They came 7 minutes apart, then 3 3 3. The real deal.
I went downstairs and woke Ash from his campout w/ the kids, the perfect night for them to be sleeping in the basement. Ashley gave me a much-needed priesthood blessing. We inflated and began filling the tub, called Melissa and she was at our place about 1:45 (I deliver quickly and was nervous she might not make it). Melissa was wearing a black t-shirt that said, "Let's rock and roll." At 2am, I thought this was a hysterical thing to wear to a birth. Soon after, Annie, another midwife, arrived. I remember she smelled great, like lavender. Funny the things you remember. They monitored Luke with the Doppler and he was doing great. Then I called Haylee, my neighbor friend who also just happens to be an amazing photographer. She had agreed to come take some birthday photos. I told her we'd probably need her in a half hour or so. Ten minutes later we were calling her again to come. I delivered Luke in the tub at 3:41 am, the same time of day his brother Micah was born. His arm was tucked up against his chest and he was a tough little guy to push out. Ash and I had a few minutes alone with him and then Ash went to get my brother Kevin, who had come to help out with the kids. He was waiting right outside my bedroom door, what a sweetie. He woke the kids and they came in to meet little Luke. It took Sarah a good half hour to warm up to him, at which point she said that Luke was cold and put her sock on his head. Eliza was in love from the start. Micah was too, but the poor guy wasn't feeling well that morning and went back to bed soon after the birth. So he's not in as many of the photos. Luke was just perfect--he cried for a few minutes and then was wide awake for about an hour, so that was fun for us all.
It was a great day--a fast, peaceful entrance into the world for Luke, lots of good support with intermittent fetal monitoring, good sibling bonding, and celebrating with more chocolate strawberries afterward, of course. Ashley was the perfect, supportive partner, definitely my rock. Melissa and Annie made every moment more special by things they said and did. It's such a miracle, every time.
We were so grateful that Haylee agreed to come, especially on Luke's crazy timing. She has a calm presence and was such a great part of the whole experience. She made me a neat slideshow with music, here is the second half of it. To see more of her work, click here.
Awwwhhhh... what a great post. Thanks so much for sharing all the pictures of your cute family and your way cute new addition. You are such a wonderful woman. Now... when can I hold him again?
Oh Audrey! How beautiful! I didn't realize you had another homebirth, that is so great! Your friend took great pictures, congratulations again! xoxo
Oh, I just loved that! What a beautiful little story! I'm so glad you had such a perfect little day with your new little boy. Those pics are so touching! It makes me want another little baby. But then I remembered I'm still tired. Congrats!
I absolutely love those first two pictures, and the slide show was just amazing. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful and intimate experience with us. I've always wanted to do a tub birth too, but here in Missouri midwifery was only legalized a couple of years ago. Crazy, I know. It looks like it was the perfect birth day. I'm so happy for you.
YAY!!! You know I've been waiting to hear all about this. Thank you for posting all the details. What a precious slideshow of pictures and a tender recount of Luke's birth. So special! You are a champ!! Was the tub birth amazing? Well, you look amazing, and the kids look so happy. CONGRATS again!!!
You are amazing! That's for sure. What a wonderful day (night) :) for you all. Welcome baby Luke!
Love the story. Thank you for sharing. That will be so meat to have those intimate picture with your family and for Luke when he is old enough to appreciate it.
That was awesome! I loved reading about it! I did not know you had him at home, or were planning too. Maybe I should have asked. What a great friend to come take pictures in the morning, they are awesome. She did a great job. I loved the video too! Congrats, you guys are great!
that's so cool. what a beautiful experience for your whole family. Congrats again. He's a keeper, that's for sure.
What a special experience - and how neat to be able to cherish these memories with so many great photos! Such a beautiful family...
There is nothing like bringing a sweet little spirit into this world. How cool you have such great photos to document his birth. Congrats to you both!
That's really nice you were able to have another home birth. It looks like it was a great experience for the whole family. Congratulations!
Wow. This was really great for me to read. What an amazing story. So great that you got to do it at home this time. I will do it at a birthing center this time--in a week or so actually. It is nice to hear your experience. You are so amazing. Those pictures are precious. Got me choked up.
Hooray! Thanks for sharing, Buchanans!
Audrey: This is Heather (Pabst) Ward. I just found your blog from Mehrsa and Jared's. Just wanted to say congratulations. Your family is just beautiful. So happy for you that life is so good!
So, You've inspired me and I'd like to try the water birth thing, but who is your midwife? I'd love to get her info--congrats or your beautiful addition. He's adorable!
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