Eliza stayed home from school today because she wasn't feeling well. I thought maybe I had gone too easy on her, but sure enough, her fever spiked to 102 this afternoon. Well, for Family Home Evening we talked about being thankful, specifically for our home teachers, and we made them pumpkin pies. Eliza wrote a card, and I couldn't get a good photo of it, it kept looking overexposed, so here is the text of the card. Anyone who knows Eliza will attach the right voice to this letter.
Dear Home Teacher,
You are lucky you get the pie! I am sick but I still want to do this. I threw up wile (while) reading a book but I still want to do it. So you're relly relly lucky. I hope you like the pie. Love, Eliza
We laughed like crazy at her letter. She drew a temple, Book of Mormon, and Bible for good measure. And just for the record, we didn't let her help with the baking, since she is sick. She is such a crack-up! Also, the above photo is just one I found online. I am not that artsy a baker.
Poor girl... I hope she gets feeling better soon.
Oh, I am LOVING that letter!! That girl says the best things. That one is classic! :)
So cute! I wish I were so lucky to get a homemade pumpkin pie. Your kids are the best!
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