Friday, September 18, 2009

The teams are even, baby.

It's a boy! Ash and I were just happy to see a healthy little fetus, but seeing the smile spread across Micah's face at the prospect of having a brother was really neat. Here he is, grinning away--he kept opening and closing his mouth, jibber-jabbering to who-knows-who. If you have any good names, send them my way.



Congrats! That will be fun!Stay healthy!

Jamie Eskelson said...

Congratulations, that is so awesome.

Kassie said...

did i miss something?? congratulations! how great to have 2 of each!!

Kelly said...

Yea! Two boys + Two girls = Awesome
So I think Kelly is a good boys name. ;-) If I think of anything else I will let you know. Sorry I've been a bad a friend and haven't seen you for a while. In a couple weeks lets go out (I say a couple weeks because Ben is swamped right now with school).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! 2 and 2, perfect!

RaCeNMoMmY said...

Congrats!! That's awesome.

Matt and Liz said...

Two girls and two boys... perfect! Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!

Natalie N said...

Another beautiful baby!! Great profile picture of your sweet little boy. How fun that each sibling has a little buddy!
Love you guys!

Ali said...

congrats! We are so happy for you!!!

erin said...

Audrey, I just realized that I was logged in to my friend Barbara's acct. and my comment was posted as hers. Sorry about that!

Joel and Michelle said...

Yeah, how exciting! Micah is so cute.

Jamie said...

YEA! A brother will be so much fun. We are so excited for you. Congrats!

All of us, but mostly Heidi said...

Congrats. I knew just what your news was by the title of your blog entry. It's great to be even!

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

I had no idea you found out!! Congrats! This is the first time I have even seen the news- glad I checked your blog. I'm sure Micah is thrilled. Your order of kids is just like me and my siblings: girl-boy-girl-boy!

Jillinda said...

How fun, congratulations! The picture is so sweet.

Emily said...

That's great! My favorite boy names (other than Simon) are Thomas and Luke. You can tell I like the New Testament, no?

Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

Congrats!!!! Thats so exciting!!

Ashlee Swensen said...

Oh my gosh I didn't even know you were pregnant. Congrats! Four is crazy but it awesome. So fun to have even numbers.

Carrie said...

i have been meaning to check out your blog in FOREVER now..glad i finally stopped by! congrats on the BOY!! that's awesome :) just perfect!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

So exciting that we are all having boys! Love it. They will be the best little buddies. Congrats!

jodi said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I didn't realize you guys were expecting again. That's awesome, we are so excited for you! Hope all is well with you guys. You look great. Maybe one of these days we'll get to meet up in Seaside or something!

Adri said...

Congrats on the baby boy! I am so excited for you guys!

familia Bybaran said...

Wow! Congratulations! So exciting!

Heather said...

So exciting!!! I love your family picture by the way, your so pretty, all of you look like models!!