Monday, April 13, 2009

California--Part 2

Micah had a great time out on the farm with Uncle Tyler and Grandpa. All kinds of things to play around on. Tyler called a couple days ago, and Micah climbed up me to steal the phone, and he is not a phone talker. I think he is smitten.

Sarah is not happy about that bow, Grammy. I like it, though.

Hanging out with sick Eliza. I just got a book from the library about strengthening your child's immune system. It is so frustrating to me how often she (and only she) is laid up with fevers and exhaustion, and it's always viral. Is that a good or bad thing? Blood tests show nothing. She eats vegetables, gets enough sleep, and I'm always Lysoling my doorknobs and having her wash her hands. What else can I do? It was fun to talk with her last weekend about how our bodies will be when we are resurrected.

Sarah's love affair with dogs continues. She has no fear of strange dogs 5x her size.

I love this photo of Kyle and Micah. He kept threatening to drop Micah in the fire, but they were both having a good laugh.

Grammy! Let's at least hope that's root beer (just kidding, Grammy, you know I love you). It's amazing how things change from your first to your third child. I don't think Eliza ever had soda until she was maybe four years old. I don't know whether to feel more sorry for Sarah or Eliza.



Aaron said...

I think Terry may have misunderstood you when you said Sarah is good at drinking from a bottle ;)

Adri said...

Looks like a really fun trip. I don't have any advice on sickies... we seem to always have something! A friend told me "sick kids make healthy adults"... I don't know!


Bran and I were talking the other day about the third kid and the bad habits we don't seem to care about. Maddy had licorice and a pickel the other day. I got mad at Bran for giving Bryson licorice at like a year... Poor kid. Looks like a fun time!