Tuesday, April 7, 2009

California--Part 1 of 2

The kids and I drove out to see the Buchanans in CA for a quick trip. We only had 6 days to work with, and poor Elle was sick for 3 of those. But we still had a blast! These are only half the photos, hence the Part 1. Grammy and Grandpa's house is always fun, and Aunts Kali and Lynnsey and Uncles Kyle,Tyler and Jordan make them feel like the most important kids in the world. Ash and I both feel lucky to have such great siblings. Here are a few of the things they did with the kids:
--Eliza decided she wanted her ears pierced, so Lynnsey, Kali, and Grammy came to show their support :)
--going out to Tyler's farm with Grandpa to ride 4 wheelers, tractors, anything else manly (I don't know if Tyler noticed Micah's blue toenail polish or not)
--Micah went to Chuck E Cheese for a boys' night with his uncles
--Kali and Lynnsey kept Eliza for a girls' night and they met up with the guys later for a sleepover
--Flying model airplanes with Tyler (into other people's cars, whoops)
--Jordan brought Eliza ice cream and kept her company while she was sick
--going for Slurpees with Tyler and Lynnsey.
--We all did s'mores on our last night there
--Best of all, they kept the kids from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon so I got a real night's rest! I don't know about your kids, but mine get rambunctious when they're at relatives' houses. So it was nice to attend church with just Sarah. Thank you thank you aunts and uncles.
Grammy's house has all kinds of fun amenities, like the orange tree. They love to make fresh orange juice.

The snails, of course.

Lots of plants to water.

Kyle and Micah.

Before the earrings.

After the earrings.

Sarah and Uncle Jordan.

Micah and Tyler.

Sarah and Zoom.


Ashlee Swensen said...

Looks like you had a blast family is the best!

RaCeNMoMmY said...

How fun, cant wait to see the rest!

Natalie N said...

Cute, cute, cute! How did Eliza do with the ear piercing?! Whitney wears these "press on" earrings, and I wonder how she would do with the real things. You'll have to give me more details sometime.

And that last picture with teeny Sarah with "Zoom" is adorable. What a beautiful family you all are!

Adri said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I can't believe Eliza got her ears pierced... way to go, good for her. Evie saw the picture and was so excited for her. Sorry Eliza was sick for some of the trip. We are all fighting colds here even Jake is sick. We do need to get together soon and let the girls play.