Okay, so based on my orthopedist appointment today, I either need to find a new form of exercise or have laparascopic surgery on my knee if I want to keep running.
Please take this poll about my petty little dilemma. Here are the choices:
A) Get the surgery! Laparascopic is a breeze. You like running, not swimming. Faster results, nicer scenery, fun to do races with friends. Do what you love.
B) Choose something lower impact. Your knees are obviously not cut out for running and surgery is expensive. Who says this would be the last one? Be more careful with your body; be grateful for what you can do.
C) Become a couch potato and eat rocky road ice cream all day. Yes!
I would have to say A or B. Just depends on how much you LOVE it and how much time you have to go running. Good luck that is a tuff one.
Well, I would obviously choose C. BJ, however, would choose A. He had the surgery, it was a breeze and now he is running like a champ. Really, I would say do it Audrey, you want to keep up with the kiddos, it may start to hurt when you hike, etc. And recovery will be worse the older you get--don't put it off!
What a bummer! I don't know what that surgery entails or how much it costs but maybe you should indulge... And even then maybe you should run in moderation. Like 5 half-marathons a year instead of your usual 20. :) Good luck with your decision!
I'm all for "C" myself cuz that's currently the diet/exercise plan I'm on. But in all seriousness I would probably have the surgery & still maybe cut the running down a bit afterward & switch off with a lower impact exercise. Good Luck with whatever you decide!
A (get the surgery) and B (find something new to do)! My experience with knee issues is that they can be alleviated but rarely erased. I would get the surgery and then find other less knee stressful exercise to do. So sorry though that it is even an issue. I hate getting older.
What a bummer to hear, Audrey! I have never gone through surgery, so I am not experienced enough to say whether it's a breeze or not. BUT I do know that my grandparents who have had knee problems have taken the long road to recovery. I think your friend hit it on the head when she said to go for the surgery now while you're young. That makes the most sense to me! Then ease back into running...stay away from those hills! :) Good luck with this big decision.
I can't tell you what to do. You have to do what you feel is best. I would take the running a little easy though... I have a friend with the same problem. You don't want to have knee problems later... when your a grandma. Everything in moderation... I think is best!
Sounds like you have gotten some great advice! Plus, you already know what my vote is. :) Good luck with whatever you decide.
I know running can be addictive, although I personally am addicted to not exercising at all (I vote C!). Ross's running magazine is full of stories that make you feel like a lazy loser, for instance the guy that had both legs cut off at the knee and uses prosthetics to run rather than not be able to run at all. Good luck with your decision! (No, I'm NOT suggesting you dispense with your knees!).
You are so funny! I have had that surgery and it really isn't a big deal your knee feels better instantly or mine did anyways. I think that if you can find a form of exercise that you love you should stick with it because it is so good for you.
i would say there is a more important matter...the menu for the next time i come home. i would like steak, garlic mash potatoes some type of vegetable .......and cobbler for desert.
ps. i like it medium rare.
Oh, I'm so sorry! I can't wait to start running again once this baby decides to come!
Argh! KNEES! Sorry to hear the prognosis. I would suggest getting the surgery, continue to run, but also find something else to do in addition. I still love running, but I've found other activities in addition to it that aren't quite as hard impact on my knees. I love variety, but do what feels right for you! Good luck Audrey!
C sounds pretty good! Just kidding. Whatever you decide I'm sure will be great.
I'd go for the surgery and then take up triathlons! They are the best--you can do sprint ones that are short and sweet. You still get to run, but you can also include a little low impact as well!
This is jared. Do the surgery, and then change the way you run. I won't say to go full barefoot, that may be a little nutty, but a midfoot/forefoot strike has made a HUGE difference for me and my knees. Google barefoot/chi/pose running and you'll find stuff.
This article also made a ton of sense to me and has helped my flat feet: http://nymag.com/health/features/46213/
If you know all this stuff just tell me to shut up (but don't say it in front of your kids).
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