Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is It Wrong to Treadmill my Kids?

Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, is my new best friend. For all you dog owners, rent a season from the library; the man has a gift. 1)Exercise 2)Discipline 3)Affection. In that order! So when it's 30 degrees and smoggy outside and my 7 lb puppy can't take it, we put him on the treadmill to work off the excess energy (Cesar's idea). After 15 minutes, he is mellow as can be and doesn't chew on stuff (like Sarah).

Eliza has always begged me to let her try the torture machine. So now, every morning Frodo, Eliza, Micah, and sometimes Sarah are all blessed with a turn to walk on it. They love it! Lest anyone turn me in to Child Protective Services, they walk very slowly with me right next to them, and when it's not in use, the safety key is hidden up high in my closet. Elle is actually pushing the belt while it's turned off in the photo. This whole practice will probably be discontinued when Ash reads this post. He will not like it.

But I like it. All the exercise leads to happy scenes like this. Plus we're all healthy! See, Ash? We also do yoga on occasion. Sarah trying to fold her chubby self in half is hilarious.


RaCeNMoMmY said...

that is so funny:)

Ali said...

the pic of Eliza with Frodo sleeping is adorable. And can I just say that I love that your pugs name is Frodo. It is so appropriate. I love pugs and think they are soooooo cute!

You are brave though to take on a puppy. Hope you guys are dog people!!

Adri said...

I think it's great that you all walk on the treadmill, and your being very safe about it. I tried to make Phoebe walk on the treadmill once... she just sat there. I love the picture of Frodo and Eliza, how cute.

Jamie said...

YOU CRACK ME UP! Great post. Frodo is really making me want a dog!

Kelly said...

Hey, whatever burns their energy! (the kids and the dog). I love all your pictures (thanksgiving and christmas). You guys were sure busy, but it looks like you had a lot of fun. Ryan saw the picture of Frodo and he wants to come see him. I love Michael Jackson, and listen to him in the car...Ryan asked who I was listening to and I said, "Michael Jackson". Then Ryan said, "Micah Jackson? Like my best friends Micah and Eli?". It was pretty funny! (you were probably wondering why I was talking about Michael Jackson on your blog huh?) :-)

Shannon E. said...

Hilarious! What an adorable little dog! We'll be bringing home a puppy next month so'll I think I'll be taking your advice quite literally!

Jenny and Mark said...

That is so funny. Okay, we've always said we are not pet people, but if I did have a dog I would totally have one like yours. So cute!

Ashlee Swensen said...

That is the best! How funny. I bet your kids are loving that little puppy. I can't believe that Frodo is just sitting there while Eliza is sleeping. Brooke wanted a dog for Christmas sooo bad but I couldn't do it this year with a little one on the way. I will have to come to you for training techniques when we finally get one. I Love it!:)

familia Bybaran said...

I love it. Your dog is adorable. But your children are just so beyond gorgeous. I love the treadmill idea. Way to innovate. Also, we are probably not moving out there. Have some bad news about the "opportunities."

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

Anything that makes them tired and ready for bed I am all for it!

colin and brooke thompson said...

what a cute puppy! I can't believe that picture of you mom in the snow! Crazy mom and tonz of snow!

Emily said...

Wow, you got a puppy like Ugly! How fun. And a lot of work, I'm sure. I didn't know you had a blog, so I'll be sure to follow it now!

onlybegottenson said...

Who is this person who knows Ugly? You know what I like best about that comment? He's remembered as Ugly, not Fuzz. Fuzz, who names their pug Fuzz? A cop? No, probably not. You need to post the pictures (which you stole from me) of when we piled about 40 pounds worth of whatever was lying around on Ugly while he was sleeping and then put the bananas on top of it all. Poor little bastard never woke up.