Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Show Me the Money! (Eliza Loses a Tooth)

Dear Nina & Papa & Grammy & Grandpa,
Last night I had a loose tooth and I tried to pull it out. The first time, it did nothing. But the second time, it came out. I had blood in my mouth. I saw the hole on the bottom. The tooth fairy came and gave me a dollar. Love, Eliza


Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

Yea for Eliza! Can I have your tooth you lost because mine won't grow in fast enough!

Cousin Kyler

Adri said...

Are you serious!?! Are we heading into that time already. Evie asked me the other day when she was going to loose a tooth. Now I can tell her it could be anytime. How exciting!!!

Natalie N said...

Woo-hoo! Tyler is proud! :)

Jamie said...

Eliza, I can't believe you lost a tooth. I want you to have fun with your lost tooth and have fun with your dollar. I hope you loose another tooth. Love, Taylor Welker
Hi Micah, Love, Chasey

Matt and Liz said...

YAY Eliza! She showed me that loose tooth on Sunday! She's getting SO big! Congrats Eliza! Love, Sister Daw

Ashlee Swensen said...

I love the smile she couldn't be more happy. Brooke has a second tooth loose I can't believe it. Pretty soon she will have the weird, big, huge front teeth.

Sandy said...

Congrats Eliza! I can't believe you are already losing teeth!! How fun!