Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Grass Plates

Recently Eliza decided she's too old for the illustrated Book of Mormon story book. So we've been reading the real deal every night, and last night I asked the kids where Ash left off the night before. Micah sits up in his bed and says, "Mom, we read about the grass plates." At least I know he's listening, what a cutie.


Ashlee Swensen said...

I love it! We have the BofM for families. It's sort of like the Book of Mormon for dummies its the true scriptures but at the botttom it explains certains words or has additional insight into a certain verse anyways we love it you probably know all about it.

Ella said...

that is so cute I even shared it with my husband.

Jodi said...

That is so cute!! Your kids are so cute. Hailey is dying to play with them again. Let's get together!

Leonard Family said...

That is priceless. Love it! LJ

jodi said...

That's so cute. It looks like you guys are having a fun summer. I'm jealous you made it to Seaside. It's been a long time since we've gotten out there. Maybe after the season is over...