Monday, June 30, 2008

Stayin' Alive

Sarah did this dance spontaneously while the kids were watching "Madagascar", so I rewound the movie a little and, sure enough, she did it again. I guess she's our cute little disco girl.


Jenny and Mark said...

So cute Audrey-I love it! I need to be better at capturing moments like that on video.

Aaron said...

That's awesome. She's a much better dance than me. (Aaron)

Jamie said...

Love it! So cute.

Adri said...

She is so cute. I love Disco too! That video totally made my day.

Kristine said...

That was too cute! I am so glad you were able to capture that!

Kelly said...

Wow, that was the cutest thing! She's a good dancer. She'll have to teach Ethan. It's okay, we've been slacking too. It seems like we've been really busy this summer as I'm sure you have. But yes, let's get together. I've been thinking of calling you for a couple weeks now (it's the thought that counts right?).

jodi said...

That is SO cute! I love it!!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

That is SO FUNNY! I am laughing so hard! Have fun we will miss you.

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

She is so funny! That girl has got some moves! I love it! I am so horrible with the video camera...I need to do better!
And hey, I will be calling you soon...this week has been sooo busy, but I owe you your auction prize...and don't worry I won't forget! :) Talk to you soon!

Ella said...

That is so cute! I love dancing babies. She gets bigger with every picture.

Jim and Emily said...

That made me and Jimmy laugh. She is definately cute. Good mommy skills capturing that on video.

Ella said...

I love all the pics. Do you remember when I visited you in Oregon? :) I really like your hair/bangs. Has it always been like that?