Friday, June 20, 2008

Bear Lake Half Marathon

The Bear Lake Half Marathon was last weekend. I got talked into this one, and Liz and Matt were our gracious hosts at their grandparents' place. Thanks again, guys. It was so much fun! The kids felt like it was a big sleepover. We stopped in Wellsville, just outside Logan, on the way up, to tour the building Ashley project-managed; it was completed a couple months ago. This was his first project, and it turned out great! He and his team even got an award (he's going to hate that I wrote that). It's a teaching/research facility for the veterinary science people. There's a neat atrium area.

Most of the building is classrooms and labs.

This is the scary 'harvest' room.

This is where we string the kids up when they misbehave (sometimes also a room for teaching students how to perform surgery on horses, cows, etc).

We made it to Bear Lake. I swear my kids are part fish, they love the water.

Rides on the beach in the souped up golf cart.

Sarah loves to chew on her tongue. Still no teeth, and she's almost 11 months.

Before the race: the course went right along the lake for most of it, which was gorgeous.

Our awesome cheering squad: Chase, Micah, Eliza, Carter, and Taylor

After: it was so much more fun to run the race with friends than alone, like Salt Lake. Thanks for a great time, Jamie and Liz!

This is Sarah's favorite thing to do.

My friend Loraine was house/animal sitting for her brother out in Rose Canyon, so we spent a day out there with her last week. Loraine was a college roommate of mine by chance and friend by choice. She served a mission in Germany and is the neatest person ever, one of the most selfless people I've ever known and I admire her so much. We've been through a lot together: marathons (well, only a 1/2 for me, homebirthing, nose studs, etc. Shocking, I know). Anyway, the kids had so much fun gathering eggs from the chickens and playing with baby kittens. Thanks, Loraine!

Just a moth or a mutant hummingbird? You decide. This thing hung around our flowerbeds and was really domesticated. The kids held out flowers and it would come drink the nectar.

Micah's new hairline, courtesty of his big sis.

All fired up to go see "Kung Fu Panda."


Adri said...

Your such a wonder woman. Taking care of kids and running marathons. Way to go. Love the new hairline.

Jamie said...

I can't believe Ashley built that building. I am so impressed! And what very cute pictures of your little ones. I love the one of Eliza and Micah in the water, that water is so blue! And also, the last one of them getting ready to go see Kung Fu Panda. You can just feel the love between those two! We had so much fun at Bear Lake. We just love you guys!! We need to do more fun stuff like that. Such fun memories. Oh, and looking at that picture I'm leaning a little more towards a mutant mosquite of some sort.

Kristine said...

Wow! Congratulations on the marathon--that is the LAST thing I ever want to do. I only want to run if somebody is after me!:) Cute pictures. I love Bear Llake!

Matt and Liz said...

Thanks for running with me Audrey! You are so great. I feel so blessed to have you as my friend. You are a great inspiration to me. I can't wait to run our next race together! And this next time I swear to eat more so I'm not the one lagging behind! Thanks for your strength and friendship!!

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

What fun times! I can't believe you ran another marathon! That is awesome- and on Bear Lake- Even Better!! That is such a beautiful lake! Way to go! I can't believe Eliza cut Micah's hair! That is hilarious. Give your little munchkins hugs from their favorite Texas Aunt and Uncle! Miss you guys!

Angela, Grady and Boys said...

You girls are so awesome! I really wish that I had the endurance to run like that so I could join you! Sounds like such fun times! And don't you just LOVE Bear Lake? We've gone up there every year since I was teeny tiny at my Grandpa's cabin...I just love it! Well, congrats on another race! Keep it up!

Natalie N said...

Great update, girl! WAY TO GO on the 1/2 marathon! I's always more fun to accomplish these things with friends rather than by yourself. Sounds like it was a beautiful course to run. Congrats!

And Ashley... that building was SO awesome! Nice work.

The kids get cuter and cuter every time I see pics. Love Micah's new haircut and his pirate hat. Keep the updates coming!